When I look back to year 2008. As usual so much happened in one whole year and I can make a looong list of things. Overall I would say year 2008 was an year of change. From personal life to the life of friends and family, to economy, to politics... change everywhere.
I have made a summarized list of my 2008 at the other blog '
Bawri Baatein'
Wonderful 12 days road trip from San Diego to Charlottesville was one of the high points of last year. Obviously start of a new life with some adventure:)

We started from San Diego on 5th April and reached Charlottesville safe and sound on 16th April. On our road trip we crossed 11 states in 12 days. Main attractions were Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Great Basin, Arches National Park and Gateway Arch. Took Hwy 101, 1, 50, I-70 and I-64.
It was a wonderful experience. Saw variations in landscape, climate as well as living styles and accent. What we saw and experienced was impossible to capture in camera. Took loads of pictures and videos and it's tough to choose few out of so many.
TripTik travel planner and maps by AAA (went to AAA center. very helpful!)
http://www.roadtripusa.com/- Book:
Road Trip USA- Online trip planner
Rand McNally (Not so robust, its a buggy tool)
- Healthy eating on road
LA Yoga, March'08Happy we did it and ready to do it again!